How To Extend Kitchen Cabinets To Ceiling?

Have you ever looked at your kitchen cabinets and thought they were just a little too short? Or maybe you’ve wished for some extra storage space without having to add more cabinets. The solution may be easier than you think – by extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to extend your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling, including materials you’ll need and tips for success. With a little bit of effort, you can transform your kitchen into a more functional and visually appealing space. Let’s get started!

How To Extend Kitchen Cabinets to Ceiling?

How to Extend Kitchen Cabinets to Ceiling?

Are you looking to add more storage space to your kitchen? One of the best ways to do so is by extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling. Not only will this give you more space to store your kitchen essentials, but it will also make your kitchen look bigger and more spacious. Here’s how you can extend your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling.

Step 1: Measure the distance between your current cabinets and the ceiling

The first step in extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling is to measure the distance between your current cabinets and the ceiling. This will give you an idea of how much space you have to work with.

Once you have measured the distance, you can decide how much higher you want your cabinets to be. Keep in mind that the higher you go, the more difficult it will be to reach the items stored in the cabinets.

Step 2: Remove the existing molding

Before you can start extending your cabinets, you will need to remove the existing molding from the top of your cabinets. Use a pry bar and gently remove the molding.

Make sure to be careful when removing the molding, as you don’t want to damage the cabinets or the wall. If the molding is glued on, you may need to use a heat gun to soften the glue before removing it.

Step 3: Install a frame for the new cabinets

Next, you will need to install a frame for the new cabinets. This frame will serve as the support for the new cabinets.

Measure and cut the frame to fit the dimensions of your cabinets. Use a level to make sure that the frame is straight and secure it to the wall using screws.

Step 4: Install the new cabinets

Once the frame is in place, you can start installing the new cabinets. Make sure to measure and cut the cabinets to fit the dimensions of the frame.

Use screws to secure the cabinets to the frame and make sure they are level. You may need to use shims to make sure the cabinets are level.

Step 5: Install new molding

After the cabinets are installed, you can install new molding to finish the look. Measure and cut the molding to fit the dimensions of the cabinets and use a nail gun to secure it in place.

Make sure the molding is level and secure before moving on to the next section.

Benefits of Extending Kitchen Cabinets to Ceiling

Extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling has many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling:

  1. More storage space
  2. Makes your kitchen look bigger and more spacious
  3. Eliminates the need for dusting the top of the cabinets
  4. Increases the value of your home

Extending Kitchen Cabinets to Ceiling Vs. Adding More Cabinets

If you are looking to add more storage space to your kitchen, you may be wondering if you should extend your cabinets to the ceiling or add more cabinets. Here are some of the differences between the two:

Extending Cabinets to ceiling Adding More Cabinets
More cost-effective Can be more expensive
Makes your kitchen look bigger May make your kitchen look cramped
Eliminates the need for dusting the top of the cabinets May require more cleaning and maintenance

In conclusion, extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling is a great way to add more storage space to your kitchen while making it look bigger and more spacious. With a few simple steps, you can have your cabinets extended in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking to add some extra storage space to your kitchen? One great way to do that is by extending your cabinets to the ceiling. Here are some frequently asked questions about how to extend kitchen cabinets to the ceiling.

What are the benefits of extending kitchen cabinets to the ceiling?

Extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling can provide you with several benefits. First, it adds extra storage space to your kitchen, which is always a good thing. Second, it can help to make your kitchen look taller and more spacious. Finally, it can provide you with an opportunity to add some decorative touches to your kitchen.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that extending your cabinets to the ceiling may not be the best choice for every kitchen. If your kitchen has low ceilings, for example, it may make your kitchen feel cramped and claustrophobic. Additionally, if you have trouble reaching high places, you may find that the extra storage space isn’t very useful.

What materials do I need to extend my kitchen cabinets to the ceiling?

To extend your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling, you’ll need several materials, including wood, screws, a saw, a drill, and paint or stain. You’ll also need some measuring tools, such as a tape measure and a level, to ensure that your cabinets are installed correctly.

If you’re not comfortable doing the work yourself, you may want to consider hiring a professional to help you. A carpenter or handyman can ensure that your cabinets are installed correctly and that they look great.

What’s the best way to extend my kitchen cabinets to the ceiling?

The best way to extend your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling will depend on your specific kitchen and your personal preferences. However, there are several different methods that you can use.

One popular method is to build a frame out of wood that fits on top of your existing cabinets. You can then attach new cabinets or shelves to the frame. Another option is to remove your existing cabinets and replace them with taller ones that reach the ceiling.

Can I extend my kitchen cabinets to the ceiling myself?

If you have experience with woodworking and home improvement projects, you may be able to extend your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling yourself. However, if you’re not comfortable doing the work yourself, it’s always best to hire a professional.

Extending cabinets to the ceiling can be a complex and time-consuming project, and it’s important to ensure that the work is done correctly. A professional carpenter or handyman can help you to achieve the look you want while ensuring that your cabinets are installed safely and securely.

What are some design ideas for extended kitchen cabinets?

When it comes to designing your extended kitchen cabinets, the possibilities are endless. You can choose to add glass doors to your cabinets to display your dishes and glassware, or you can opt for solid doors for a more streamlined look.

Another popular option is to add lighting to your cabinets. You can install LED strip lights on the underside of your cabinets to create a warm and inviting glow in your kitchen. Finally, consider adding some decorative touches, such as crown molding or trim, to give your cabinets a polished and finished look.

How To Extend Kitchen Cabinets to Ceiling? 2


In conclusion, extending your kitchen cabinets to the ceiling is a great way to maximize storage space and enhance the overall look of your kitchen. By following these simple steps, you can achieve a seamless and professional-looking extension that will make your kitchen feel more spacious and functional.

Remember to measure carefully, choose high-quality materials, and take your time to ensure that everything is level and secure. With a little bit of patience and effort, you can transform your kitchen into a stunning and practical space that you will love spending time in.

So, whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned professional, don’t be afraid to tackle this project and take your kitchen to the next level. With the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a beautiful and functional extension that will make your home feel more comfortable and inviting than ever before.

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